About FEWA

Solving America’s Immigration Problems - One Employer & One Worker at a Time

What is FEWA?

FEWA is its membership! FEWA is the national voice of the existing legal guest worker programs community.

FEWA is a non-profit association originally created to assist employers and workers in labor-intensive service industries.  Now employer members' industries include: Construction, Restaurants, Lodging, Golf, Marine Salvage, Landscape, Nurseries, Agriculture, Amusement Parks, Shrimping, etc.  Specifically, FEWA is dedicated to improving business conditions, building awareness, and providing services in the areas of labor retention and management.  FEWA has grown to nearly 7,500 members and collectively has secured extensive legislative success through coalition work in our nation’s Capitol. Read More

FEWA A Non-Profit Association

The First Amendment's rights of freedom of peaceable assembly guarantees the rights of Americans with similar business needs to freely share ideas and experiences. Mutual goals and mutual problems bind the members of the group together to work for synergistic solutions. An association can often solve a problem for the entire group more quickly and efficiently than an individual. Read More

FEWA Vision Statement (Click to Open)

FEWA History (Click to Open)

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Statement of Position (Click to Open)


FEWA is an internationally recognized non-profit trade association created to assist employers and workers in service industries such as landscaping, construction and hospitality by providing educational and informational services related to cultural, non-immigrant and immigrant labor management issues.